Emergency Ultrasound Fellowship
Our emergency ultrasound fellowship is a one-year fellowship accredited by Emergency Ultrasound Fellowship Accreditation Council (EUFAC), with unique opportunities in bedside transesophageal echocardiography (TEE), regional nerve blocks, original research, and resident and medical student education.
Clinical Work: Fellows will be expected to perform 70-80 hours of clinical duties per month. Clinical work is divided between Kaweah Health Medical Center and the nearby community emergency departments. Kaweah Health Medical Center is a designated level 3 trauma center, as well as stroke and STEMI receiving center. Fellows will supervise residents while working clinically at Kaweah Health.
Teaching: Fellows will also lead weekly QA and teaching sessions with residents and medical students rotating through our ultrasound rotation, with additional opportunities for teaching at our local medical school and regional symposia and conferences.
Research: All fellows will participate in clinical research during their fellowship year. Each fellow is required to launch a new research project during their fellowship, with fellows to present research projects at national and regional conferences during the year.
Administration: By the end of fellowship, fellows are expected to become experts on the billing and documentation for bedside point-of-care ultrasound. Our site has partnered with SonoSite in developing Synchronicity, a new middleware used for documenting and billing for ultrasounds performed in the emergency department. Fellows will be involved in further development as well as optimizing site-specific workflow.
Compensation: As a Vituity physician partner, clinical hours worked during fellowship will contribute towards Vituity partner advancement, with compensation being comparable to the typical attending rate. There is an additional educational stipend that may be used for purchase of equipment, educational material, and conference travel.
For any questions regarding our fellowship, feel free to reach out to Fellowship Director, Dr. John Hipskind, at jhipskin@kaweahhealth.org.
- John Hipskind, MD, FACEP FPD-AEMUS – Fellowship Director
- Dana Thompson, MD – Associate Fellowship Director
- Michael Niechayev, MD – Assistant Fellowship Director
Past Fellows
- Matthew Henschel, DO
- Tyler Mitchell, DO
- Nolan Page, DO
- Michael Niechayev, MD, MBA
POCUS Research
- Effect of Implementing and ED-based Ultrasound-guided Procedure Team on Hospital Length of Stay (PI Niechayev)
- Financial impact of a TEE program at hospitals (PI Hipskind)
- Superficial cervical plexus blocks (I have a rough draft PICO FINER)
- Serratus plane blocks (I have a rough draft PICO FINER)
- Efficacy of PENG block in pubic rami fractures
- Clavi-pectoral block (ACEP News, Feb 24) for clavicle fractures
- POCUS Case Studies
- Retinal edema as a false positive for retinal detachment
- Hepatic Artery Hemorrhage
- Non-infectious Fournier’s Gangrene
Ultrasound Rotation Information
The expectations, goals and objectives for your rotation are found on New Innovations.
Prior to Day #1: Email Krystal Guzman (knourie@kaweahhealth.org) your cell phone number.
Pre-Scanning Checklist
- Check Room 44 to ensure machine is ready (see below), it is clear of all non-ultrasound related items, the closet is fully stocked with sheets, washcloths, gel and other items as shown to you during orientation.
- Check to ensure there is a unit in Zone 2 hallway, Room 20, and Zone 5. Make sure all machines are plugged in and clean. Check under “Work Lists” to ensure all studies are archived, i.e. no red or yellow checkmarks by the file.
- Introduce yourself to ALL APCs, residents and attendings. Look at the tracking board for clinical cases. Also do educational exams to acquire normal sonoanatomy knowledge and ensure they all have a MR# and performer assigned.
Machine Maintenance:
- Remove everything but the pink top endocavitary wipes and 3 full bottles of gel from the ultrasound unit trays. Stock gel from “Medical Storage Staff Only” room between Zones 2 & 3. Code is 123. Check the cabinet in Room 20 for two endocavitary and one TEE probe (If missing, contact sterile processing at x2457 and text the US faculty). If an ultrasound unit ever shows an error message, text a photo of it and the machine number to Matt Howard or his cell 804-1040.
- Check the locked cabinet (2215) in Room 44 to insure all 2 BiQ and iPads are there.
Tips for a Great Rotation
5. Schedules are due by the end of the first day.