Setting the Table
Setting the table for teaching
- “Setting the Table” for teaching prepares the environment for optimal teacher-learner interaction.
- “Setting the Table” is needed to facilitate the 2nd step in the blueprint (Teaching).
- “Setting the Table” consists of two parts: setting expectations and diagnosing the learner.
-  Setting expectations: The teacher clearly sets their expectations (this gives learners a guide map to follow)
- Diagnosing the learner: the teacher then determines (i.e diagnoses) the learners educational wants and needs (this facilitates tailoring of teaching)
- “Setting the Table” for teaching should always be done at the start of the learner-teacher encounter.
- “Setting the Table’ for teaching should also be done throughout the teaching encounter as the situation changes, new expectations come forward and new educational needs/wants arise.
Click on the links below to learn more about each component of “Setting the Table”